Bring Daylight Indoors and Elevate Your Home’s Beauty and Well-Being
Almost all living things, from humans to plants, are affected by a circadian rhythm, tuned into the changing cycle of daylight and darkness. This varying illumination affects the changes in our bodies, such as hormone and neurotransmitter levels, that manage energy levels, sleep cycles, and moods.
As they have for eons, our biological clocks are set to the rise and fall of the sun. Today, however, humans spend a tremendous amount of time indoors, limiting the power the sun has over our lives and internal functions. As a result, our energy wanes, our sleep cycles are disturbed, and numerous physical ailments appear, linked to our imbalanced biological rhythm.
Today’s technology has found an answer. It’s called circadian rhythm light, and not only does it mimic daylight indoors, but it can also be customized to meet your personal preferences. Here, we’ll explore what changes you can make to this state-of-the-art lighting system and what it offers your Austin, TX, home.