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“OK Josh, How Can You Make Home Automation Easier?”

“OK Josh, How Can You Make Home Automation Easier?”

There are an estimated 128 million Americans, or 38.5% of the population, that used a voice assistant in 2020according to emarketer. With more time spent at your Memorial, TX, home in the last 12 months, that number rose significantly compared to 2019 because homeowners and their families spent more time together for the sake of social distancing and community health.

There are a few potential drawbacks to using the typical voice assistants like Apple’s Siri, Google, and Amazon’s Alexa, though. Data sharing for advertising purposes is the standard operating procedure, so your personal habits and preferences are shared with marketers regularly. In contrast, is a voice control platform that flips the norms of no privacy on its head.

Scroll on below to learn more about and how this new voice assistant’s mission keeps your privacy and data secure.

SEE ALSO:4 Questions to Ask When Upgrading to a Smart Home

How is Different?

Many may think that all voice control assistants are the same, but that’s simply not true. Run-of-the-mill voice control platforms available from the big-box retailers utilize your personal data as a commodity, selling it to advertisers for profit. The voice commands you make, songs you request, and information you request is all accumulated and sold to the highest bidder. Sure, your home can operate smart devices by your voice, but the price you pay in order to do this is high – you and your family lose privacy.

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