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Discover the Beauty and Health Benefits of Tunable LED Light

A great room filled with natural light and soft illumination with shades partially drawn, all controlled by Crestron Home.

Let a Crestron Dealer Transform the Everyday Into the Extraordinary

For over 50 years, Crestron has been the global leader in advanced smart home technologies. In fact, they were the first to combine lighting control applications with touch panel technology. Then, in 2022, they introduced their fully tunable LED light fixtures and transformed how we illuminate our homes.

As a Crestron dealer and expert home automation integrator, our team at Relative Home Systems is excited to share this incredible technology with our clients. Light, after all, profoundly affects humans, influencing moods, increasing productivity, and enhancing well-being. These lights create an environment where this, and much more, is possible.

Let's explore how this technology is transforming homes in Houston, TX.

  342 Hits

5 Reasons Why Texas Homeowners Are Investing in Smart Home Automation

A Crestron wall panel provides centralized control of smart home technology.

Change the Way You Think About Daily Tasks in Your Home

Smart home automation technology is changing how Texas homeowners think about daily tasks like turning off the lights, locking doors, and making grocery lists. As technology options continue to develop, they are transforming and adding value to everyday life.

Continue reading to discover five reasons River Oaks, TX, homeowners are investing in smart home automation and how Relative Home Systems can help you find suitable options for your home. 

  429 Hits

What Do I Need for Beautiful and Functional Home Lighting Automation?

 A Lutron Grafik T dimmer switch is positioned on a wall leading to a dining area.

Our Lighting Experts Can Help You Obtain Effortless Control 

To get the most from your home lighting automation system, we recommend working with an expert team on the cutting edge of home lighting automation trends—like ours. In addition, we receive special training to ensure that physics, optics, electricity, and programming are all top-notch. But, beyond our expert team, a few other ingredients are necessary for a beautiful and functional home lighting automation system.

Continue reading to learn more about the components needed for a lighting automation system in your Austin, Texas, home.

  490 Hits

How do Biophilia and Smart Home Technology Mix?


What is biophilia? It may sound like a medical term, but it’s not. According to Webster's dictionary, it means "a hypothetical human tendency to interact or be closely associated with other forms of life in nature."

Houston is fortunate to have warm temperatures almost year-round, so it’s not difficult for Texans to get out and enjoy the many natural opportunities in the city and beyond. But work, school, and so many other things activities often require people to spend the majority of their days indoors.

But that doesn’t mean we can’t take advantage of technology to bring nature to us. Sometimes that endeavor is called biophilic design, and increasingly it’s being called by more familiar terms like technology for wellness.

Read on below to learn more about using biophilic technology and design in Houston to create environments that bring aspects of nature inside the home.

SEE ALSO: Upgrade Your Smart Home with Automated Lighting Control

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  2380 Hits

Are You Ready to Make the Jump to 4K?

Are You Ready to Make the Jump to 4K?

For quite some time, Crestron has been leading the way in advanced audio visual control, and in particular 4K distribution. This year’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas was full of 4K Ultra High Definition screens that were brighter, thinner, and better than before. Are you considering a distributed 4K system within your home? The team at Relative Home Systems holds the Crestron DMC-E/4K certification, meaning we’ve got the knowledge, skill set, and experience to design, install, and commission your system. Whether you live in The Woodlands, River Oaks, or Austin, we can formulate a system that will allow you to view 4K in any room of your home.

Do you want the best 4K distribution system? With 4K, there are both benefits and challenges surrounding this latest advance in resolution technology. Since the team at Relative completed the demanding 3-day DigitalMedia™ course, we know how to address these challenges and ensure you get the most out of your 4K distribution system, whether it’s a new install or an upgrade to an existing system.

In addition to working with a DigitalMedia™ Certified Engineer, you need solid 4K sources and displays. But with so many brands and various components to choose from, how do you know which products to trust? Leave it to the experts at Relative Home Systems; we’re qualified to help you choose the right components so that your system operates and performs the way you envisioned it would. Our partner Crestron has engineers who are painstakingly testing products and only certifying those 4K sources and displays that meet their rigorous standards.

We recommend the Crestron DigitalMedia™ switcher, which will allow you to display the latest high-definition and 4K sources all in one platform. You’ll be able to have multiple sources going through the switcher to multiple displays throughout your home.

The digital media world seems to evolve at a rapid pace and that’s why we recommend you work with a Crestron certified engineer to help you design, install and program your system. Are you ready to make the jump to 4K? The team at Relative has the experience and skill set to bring you the best in 4K.

  5452 Hits

5 Ways to Strengthen Your Home Network Security

While there are many benefits of having a connected home where all your technology works together, there’s one glaring drawback for many potential clients. What if someone hacks your home networking system? Not only would they get access to your computer’s information, but also to your security system, climate control and more. The integrators at Relative Home Systems make it their priority to strengthen your network’s security protocols in order to protect your family’s safety and privacy.

SEE MORE: Is Your Network Equipped to Handle a Connected Home?

Buying the Right Equipment

Many of the new connected devices on the market –from thermostats to speakers—where created with convenience in mind, not security. For our Savant or Crestron automation systems, we bring together only products with an established track record of performance and security. We ensure all your connected devices include the necessary software to reduce the risk of viruses or malware.

It all begins with a router with enhanced security features. For example, Pakedge routers come with a multi-layer security system. Through the use of firewalls, VPNs and guest networks, they can reduce the risk of outside parties hacking the system. For advanced systems, like a full home automation solution, go with a Unified Threat Management system which lets an administrator monitor your system for any security vulnerabilities or issues.

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  3426 Hits

4 Questions to Ask When Upgrading to a Smart Home

A recent study by IHS Technology determined that by the year 2019, there will be an average of five connected devices in homes throughout the world. The trend has helped push the growth of the connected home, with the smart home automation market expected to be worth over $50 billion by 2020. People have become accustomed to full control at a moment’s notice and their home is no exception. 

Want to join the movement? With our new office in Austin, Texas, Relative Home Systems can work with you directly to craft a solution that will provide you with full control of lights, entertainment, security and more. Here are some questions you should take into account when thinking of the smart home solution that best fits your needs:

What do you want to control?

Though a smart home automation solution implies full control of your home, you can always choose the systems you want to include. Many people, for example, begin with whole home audio/video or smart security and eventually expand their systems to include lighting, shading, and temperature. Relative Home Systems designs a solution that lets you control what you want while remaining scalable---meaning you can easily add other subsystems when you decide to do so.

How do you want to control it?

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  4303 Hits

3 Ways Smart Home Control Can Be a Parenting Tool

Do you find yourself wondering how much easier it would be if you had a nanny to help you with the kids? There’s a solution that can offer support seven days a week, 24 hours a day without taking any sick days or vacations. Help comes in the form of smart home control. Every system in your Houston, Texas home—from security to entertainment—works hand in hand to create a more efficient household. Automated scenes, centralized control, and remote access are a few ways smart technology can help with your daily parenting tasks.

SEE MORE: The Beauty and Benefits of a Connected Home

Streamline Daily Routines with Pre-Set Scenes

Reduce the time it takes to go through your daily routines with the use of pre-set scenes in your smart home control system. For example, waking up the kids for school doesn’t have to be a chore. Create an automated scene that opens the shades, turns on the lights, and begins playing music in their room until they’re out of bed.

When it’s time to leave the house, you can focus on getting the kids into the car and making sure they have everything they need. Your smart home control system will take care of the rest. Press an ‘Away' scene as you leave that turns off all lights and appliances, locks the doors and arms your security alarm.

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  3089 Hits

Why Many Smart Devices Use a Mesh Network

When it comes to home networking, you’re probably familiar with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. But with the advent of smart automation, Zigbee and Z-Waves are also becoming important protocols for wireless communication. These popular mesh network technologies can be incorporated into the automation system in your River Oaks, Texas home to increase the flow of traffic and boost reliability. Below we explain what a mesh network is and why it’s so popular when it comes to smart devices.

SEE MORE: Is Your Home Equipped to Handle a Connected Home?

What Is a Mesh Network?

A mesh network is one in which devices can speak directly with each other without having to go through a central router. Each device becomes its own standalone node in the network. All your nodes create echoes (imagine many small rocks falling into water and creating individual ripples) to give a broad reach to your signal as it finds the quickest way to its final destination.

This kind of technology is also used in cell phone networks on a bigger stage. When you call or text someone, your signal doesn’t have to go through AT&T or Verizon headquarters. Instead, the closest cell phone tower will relay the message.

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  4035 Hits

Will Crestron Home Automation Improve Your Memorial, Texas Property Value?

Will Crestron Home Automation Improve Your Memorial, Texas Property Value?

Acquiring your own high-quality Crestron control system is a tremendous personal achievement. However, there is a question to consider: Will investing in home automation increase your property’s value? The answer is yes! When a home automation system is integrated correctly (most especially during the initial construction), your home immediately advances to a higher value.

Multiple top-tier real estate agents agree that for the right buyer, responsive control is a huge draw. In certain markets, the addition of smart home features, like integrated media rooms, are seen as a must-have amongst high-end house hunters. There’s no question about it, once you experience an integrated home, you never want to go back!

By the Numbers

Recently, the Consumer Electronics Association released a study that said 47% of participating homeowners have a programmable thermostat currently installed in their homes. Thirty-one percent indicated they own a security product while nearly 1 in 5 have monitored security, 9% own a video surveillance system, and 6% have electronic or programmable door locks. Homeowners are also choosing to install entertainment-based home technologies, such as home theater pre-wiring and whole-home structured wiring systems.

Quality is Key

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  4228 Hits

Why Your Private Home Theater Belongs in a Smart Home

Are you looking to upgrade the entertainment rooms in your River Oaks, Texas home? Now may be the perfect time to invest in a private home theater. Designing the ultimate movie-watching experience involves more than simply buying the biggest 4K TV and pairing it up with expensive speakers. Giving your theater an integrated solution lets you have ultimate control over the environment so you can enjoy your favorite entertainment just the way you want to.

SEE MORE: Choosing the Right Screen for Your Private Home Theater

Make It Easy to Find Your Favorite Content

The primary reason to create a smart control solution in your new home theater is to have easy access to your favorite content and easy control of your equipment. Don’t fiddle with a handful of remotes trying to get what you want when you can have it all centralized on a tablet, touchpad or even your smartphone.

With a control solution from Crestron, it’s easy to pick out what you want to watch, how loud you want it to be, and which screen it should play on if you have a multi-screen installation. You can have DirecTV on to watch the Texans game and switch it over to Netflix in a matter of seconds. Everything’s intuitive, so there’s no need to learn 5-button combinations to make adjustments.

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  3624 Hits

Why Should You Hire a Professional for Your Smart Home Needs?

It seems every day new smart technology hits the market. There are thermostats, lights, cameras, locks and even humidifiers that boast the smart label. But are they worth the investment? The professional integrators from Relative Home Systems can help you navigate through the latest technology and incorporate it all into a smart home control system. Read on to find out we can ‘smarten up’ your Memorial, Texas home.

SEE MORE: Relative Home Systems Overcomes Smart Home Challenges

Making Sure You Get the Best Equipment

There are thousands of options flooding the market from individual solutions –like the Nest thermostat—to full smart home hubs. With years of experience, Relative Home System serves as your advisor to get you past the clutter and impostors. According to your needs and specific budget, we work with you to create a solution that includes only the best products in the market. We work with Savant Systems and Crestron for your smart automation needs due to their compatibility with multiple products. This way you get versatility and reliability in your system.

Install Only the Components You Need

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  4032 Hits

The Best Uses for Your Private Home Theater

A common way to decide if a new purchase is a worthy investment is to figure out how often you would use it. We all have that one pair of shoes that hasn’t seen the light of day in years. This can be true of bigger purchases as well, and it often comes up when clients are considering installing a private home theater in their Memorial, TX home. For movie enthusiasts, the decision is a no-brainer. But there are also a lot of others ways you can use your new theater to make it a worthwhile investment.

SEE MORE: How Can You Design the Perfect Home Theater?

Host the Ultimate Movie Marathon

Get all your family and friends together for the ultimate movie marathon. With comfortable seating, immersive audio, dynamic images, and your personal popcorn machine there's no reason to leave the room for hours. With smart control, it's easy to browse through your Kaleidescape media library to find the movie you want to watch. As soon as you hit play, the shades open to reveal your screen and the lights dim in the theater.

Prepare for Some Streaming Binges

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  3982 Hits

Technology Adds Value and Convenience to Your Life

Technology Adds Value and Convenience to Your Life

Technology is many things. It keeps us connected, engaged, and allows us to access news and information via our fingertips. It advances at a rapid rate, and whether it’s a smartphone, security system or HD television, we have come to depend on it deeply. Technology is great when it works, but misery when it doesn’t, that’s why it’s important to work with a certified Crestron programmer when adding technology to your home.

Oftentimes when our devices stop working, our lives come to a halt. Ever tried troubleshooting on you own? When’s the last time you looked at your product manual? If you answered never, you are not alone. The team at Relative Home Systems is here to help you, whether you’re in The Woodlands, River Oaks, or Austin, TX.

When time and patience are limited, what are you to do? We possess the know-how to correctly install, configure, and troubleshoot your home automation systems. Our Creston programmers are well versed in A/V schematics, following wiring diagrams, and troubleshooting both hardware and software. We’ll resolve issues quickly so you can get back to enjoying the many benefits of smart home technology. We have extensive experience with home theaters, high-performance audio distribution systems, lighting control, and home networking. We know reliability is just as important as a system that is easy-to-use.

Whether you’re looking to design a new system or upgrade one that already exists, we’ve got you covered. For more than 13 years, we’ve designed, installed, and maintained Crestron home automation systems.

You and your family are unique and so too should be your home’s control system. Crestron provides nearly limitless options when it comes to what you can control in your home and how you interact with the various subsystems. The consistent element in life is change. So when your needs change, your Crestron system can evolve right along with you and your family.

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  5463 Hits

Planning a New Home Sound System? Here’s What You Need to Consider

Planning a New Home Sound System? Here’s What You Need to Consider

Music is one of those things that can set the mood for many activities – or inactivity, as the case may be. Whether you use it to pump you up as you pump iron in your exercise room, fall asleep to Norah Jones in the bedroom, or have a rocking party playlist for entertaining, music is foundational.

If you’re looking at installing or upgrading your home sound system in Houston, you have many choices. It might be an almost bewildering task, as there has never been as much choice in audio systems as there is today. From powered and wireless speakers to traditional two-channel separate components to home theater audio, there is a vast array of equipment and options to consider.

What’s the best way to break it all down? Keep reading to see what you’ll want to consider.

SEE ALSO: How to Build the Ultimate Whole Home Audio System


Most people tend to think about speakers first when it comes to home sound systems. They are one of the most critical factors for getting the sound quality you would like, but definitely not the only one. The choice of speakers, however, tends to influence much of what you need for other equipment in your installation.

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  2102 Hits

Picture the Perfect Scene and Crestron Can Create It

Picture the Perfect Scene and Crestron Can Create It

Do you have a difficult time getting motivated in the morning? Do your children incessantly hit snooze on the bedside alarm? Are you tired of tip-toeing across a cold bathroom tile floor each morning? Do you blindly search for the light switches in the bedroom and constantly wake your partner? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’ll want to read on because Relative Home Systems has a solution for your Memorial, Texas home.

Home Automation: The Total Package

With a Creston home automation system, you can easily control everything in your home using sleek touch screens, remotes, or your favorite mobile device. Start with one room or outfit your entire home. Crestron has been setting the standard in automation for over four decades, is customizable and will blend in with you lifestyle. One of our favorite Creston features is the ability to create scenes.

Awake Like Sleeping Beauty

No need to set the alarm on your smart phone; not when you have a Crestron system. As your day begins, the bedroom lights slowly turn on to the right level so that when you awake the room is illuminated and you can move about the room with ease. As you make your way to the bathroom, the lights are already on, the mirror TV is tuned to your favorite morning show, and you feel the warmth of the bathroom tiles on your feet.

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  4305 Hits

Personalize Your Smart Home With Crestron Control

The technology you bring into your River Oaks, Texas home should be the perfect fit, just like anything else you invest in. This doesn’t just mean it’s the right size or fits squarely into your budget. As Crestron dealers, Relative Home Systems can design a full smart home technology solution that gives you control just the way you want it. Work with the manufacturers you love most and the devices you use most, all from a custom user interface designed to match your needs.

SEE MORE: Picture the Perfect Scene and Crestron Can Create It

Personalize Your User Interface

A Crestron smart home automation system brings all your technology–lighting, entertainment, security, climate and more---together within one user interface. This type of system can have a lot of benefits, but only if your user interface is efficient. If it’s confusing, it may create more problems than it solves.

Your Crestron dealer works with you to personalize your user interface. We make the rooms and technology you use most easily accessible. We also go through an extensive training period with you to make sure you know how to use your Crestron system inside and out.

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  2614 Hits

How Can Crestron Enhance Your Media Distribution?

Crestron has been the standard bearer of the home automation industry since its foundation in the 1970's. It excels at creating whole-home solutions that incorporate your lights, security, entertainment and more. For all your entertainment needs, it offers its DigitalMedia solutions. Crestron dealers must go through extensive training to become certified. What does this mean? It means they have the knowledge and experience to ensure success in all their projects.

SEE MORE: Why Working With a Trained Crestron Integrator Matters

What is DigitalMedia?

DigitalMedia is Crestron's standard 4K Ultra HD distribution system. As an official Crestron dealer with more than fifteen years of experience, Relative Home Systems can design a solution that takes into account the challenges that come with the digital era. Which means we have learned all the distribution specifications necessary to build a successful system in your home.

What is the DM 3.0 standard?

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  2986 Hits

Are You Ready to Make the Jump to 4K?

Are You Ready to Make the Jump to 4K?

For quite some time, Crestron has been leading the way in advanced audio visual control, and in particular 4K distribution. This year’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas was full of 4K Ultra High Definition screens that were brighter, thinner, and better than before. Are you considering a distributed 4K system within your home? The team at Relative Home Systems holds the Crestron DMC-E/4K certification, meaning we’ve got the knowledge, skill set, and experience to design, install, and commission your system. Whether you live in The Woodlands, River Oaks, or Austin, we can formulate a system that will allow you to view 4K in any room of your home.

Do you want the best 4K distribution system? With 4K, there are both benefits and challenges surrounding this latest advance in resolution technology. Since the team at Relative completed the demanding 3-day DigitalMedia™ course, we know how to address these challenges and ensure you get the most out of your 4K distribution system, whether it’s a new install or an upgrade to an existing system.

In addition to working with a DigitalMedia™ Certified Engineer, you need solid 4K sources and displays. But with so many brands and various components to choose from, how do you know which products to trust? Leave it to the experts at Relative Home Systems; we’re qualified to help you choose the right components so that your system operates and performs the way you envisioned it would. Our partner Crestron has engineers who are painstakingly testing products and only certifying those 4K sources and displays that meet their rigorous standards.

We recommend the Crestron DigitalMedia™ switcher, which will allow you to display the latest high-definition and 4K sources all in one platform. You’ll be able to have multiple sources going through the switcher to multiple displays throughout your home.

The digital media world seems to evolve at a rapid pace and that’s why we recommend you work with a Crestron certified engineer to help you design, install and program your system. Are you ready to make the jump to 4K? The team at Relative has the experience and skill set to bring you the best in 4K.

  5493 Hits

5 Ways to Strengthen Your Home Network Security

While there are many benefits of having a connected home where all your technology works together, there’s one glaring drawback for many potential clients. What if someone hacks your home networking system? Not only would they get access to your computer’s information, but also to your security system, climate control and more. The integrators at Relative Home Systems make it their priority to strengthen your network’s security protocols in order to protect your family’s safety and privacy.

SEE MORE: Is Your Network Equipped to Handle a Connected Home?

Buying the Right Equipment

Many of the new connected devices on the market –from thermostats to speakers—where created with convenience in mind, not security. For our Savant or Crestron automation systems, we bring together only products with an established track record of performance and security. We ensure all your connected devices include the necessary software to reduce the risk of viruses or malware.

It all begins with a router with enhanced security features. For example, Pakedge routers come with a multi-layer security system. Through the use of firewalls, VPNs and guest networks, they can reduce the risk of outside parties hacking the system. For advanced systems, like a full home automation solution, go with a Unified Threat Management system which lets an administrator monitor your system for any security vulnerabilities or issues.

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  3634 Hits




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