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Beyond the Switch: A Deep Dive into Smart Home Lighting Control

Smart lighting control system

Unveiling the Brilliance of Smart Home Lighting Systems

In modern living, technology has evolved beyond mere convenience; it has become integral to our lifestyles. One facet where this evolution is profoundly evident is in the realm of smart home lighting systems. If you're a homeowner in Austin, TX, get ready to embark on a journey beyond the ordinary switch, delving into the transformative world of modern smart home lighting control.

  443 Hits

How to Optimize Voice Control in Your Smart Home


Throughout its illustrious history, Crestron has always been at the forefront of smart home technology. It’s no different with the emerging popularity of voice control. The home automation company offers voice control options in its wireless touchpads and has partnered with Amazon Alexa for a whole home solution. As your local Crestron dealer, we highlight the importance of this new partnership and the best ways to optimize voice control in your Memorial, TX home.

SEE MORE: How do You Want to Control Your Smart Home?

The Perfect Combination of Luxury and Efficiency

As we’ve mentioned in earlier blogs, Crestron offers unparalleled versatility when it comes to designing smart systems for your home. Meanwhile, Alexa offers voice services that go beyond simple commands. You can access personalized settings that have been custom-designed for your home. Using Crestron’s open-ended programming and Amazon’s cloud-based software, engineers from both companies have collaborated to create a voice control experience that mirrors the intuitiveness and reliability offered by Crestron’s remotes, touchpads and mobile apps.

Taking Advantage of Voice Control Capabilities

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Go Green with Home Lighting Control


It is 2020, and as in most new years, people like to make resolutions. One resolution that certainly makes sense is to conserve energy and protect our environment. Conserving energy also has the added benefit of saving money, too, which is another great perk.

Unlike other resolutions that require a lot of work, at least one part of going green does not. With home lighting control, you can easily manage your lights to ensure you are only using what you need where you need it. Once installed, it is a solution that pays green dividends in your Houston home all year long.

Read on to learn how this green living technology conserves energy and brings incredible convenience to your home.

SEE ALSO: 4 Great Lighting Control Scenes for Your Home

What Lighting Control Does

Lighting control takes the control away from light switches and puts it in the palm of your hand, as well as automation that does the work for you. Rather than go around making sure lights are off when you’re not using the room, technology can do the job for you. There are various ways:

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Three Ways to Beautify Your Home’s Exterior with Landscape Lighting


It’s almost spring in Texas; the weather is turning warmer, and the outdoors is getting greener. This is typically an excellent time to do new landscaping work both for maintenance and the spring and summer season.

You put a lot of effort into your lawns and gardens to make an impression with your home - either for yourself or your visitors. What happens after dark? Much of that investment might go unseen. Don’t let your home’s beautiful exteriors go unappreciated. With a landscape lighting plan and installation for your Houston, TX home, you can shine a light on your property and show it off.

Keep reading for three ways you can use landscape lighting to enhance the appearance of your home.

SEE ALSO: The Top Benefits of Landscape Lighting

Downlighting and Area Lighting

Our mild and humid climate makes for great trees. Downlights can be installed in trees to softly illuminate a garden, yard, or driveway. You can choose warm lighting if you prefer, but cooler toned bulbs can simulate natural moonlight for a beautiful effect.

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Why Go with a Pro for Your Smart Home Installation?


Given the wide availability of a plethora of smart home devices from security to lighting, you might think this is an area where a professional is not needed. Can't you do a smart home installation in Dallas on your own?

You certainly can. But if you run a business, you may need the services of an information technology professional either full time or for specific help. Why? Because they know how to install and maintain complex systems, and you have other responsibilities. Think of smart home automation the same way – you could do it yourself with off-the-shelf technology, but if you want a system that works consistently and smoothly, there are compelling reasons to hire a professional smart home company.

Read on for more!

SEE ALSO: 4 Questions to Ask When Upgrading to a Smart Home

Simplified, Unified Control

If you’ve acquired any smart device, it’s almost a given that it comes with its own control app. App control is useful and convenient, but if five devices have five different apps, things can start getting confusing.

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Why Your Private Home Theater Belongs in a Smart Home

Are you looking to upgrade the entertainment rooms in your River Oaks, Texas home? Now may be the perfect time to invest in a private home theater. Designing the ultimate movie-watching experience involves more than simply buying the biggest 4K TV and pairing it up with expensive speakers. Giving your theater an integrated solution lets you have ultimate control over the environment so you can enjoy your favorite entertainment just the way you want to.

SEE MORE: Choosing the Right Screen for Your Private Home Theater

Make It Easy to Find Your Favorite Content

The primary reason to create a smart control solution in your new home theater is to have easy access to your favorite content and easy control of your equipment. Don’t fiddle with a handful of remotes trying to get what you want when you can have it all centralized on a tablet, touchpad or even your smartphone.

With a control solution from Crestron, it’s easy to pick out what you want to watch, how loud you want it to be, and which screen it should play on if you have a multi-screen installation. You can have DirecTV on to watch the Texans game and switch it over to Netflix in a matter of seconds. Everything’s intuitive, so there’s no need to learn 5-button combinations to make adjustments.

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When Should A Smart Home Installer Get Involved in Your Home Project?

When Should A Smart Home Installer Get Involved in Your Home Project?

Are you ready for an automated home? Maybe you’d like music to flow through every room of the house or a security system that protects every vulnerable corner. From one app on your phone, you can access your speakers, security, lights, thermostats, TVs, and more.

But that’s going to require lots of planning, wiring, and careful installation by a smart home installer. If you’re renovating your property or building a new home, you’d benefit from partnering with a technology advisor like Relative Home Systems, based in Austin, TX. But when should a smart home professional get involved in the process?

Ideally, you’ll bring in help from the very beginning. We’ll share every step of the timeline so you can see how an installer helps at each phase of your new smart home build.

SEE ALSO: Why Go With a Pro for Your Smart Home Installation?

Architectural Phase

In the first phase, we’ll meet with you to design a blueprint of where all your technology will go. We’ll review it with your architect or builder, and if you’re working with an interior designer, we’ll discuss the technology’s impact on design. We’ll provide a budget to you and contract low-voltage wiring services to power your technology.

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Get the Most Out of Summer With Smart Control

Get the Most Out of Summer With Smart Control

It’s finally summertime! The weather is beautiful, the kids are home from school, and your summer vacation is just around the corner. This time is all about relaxing with a beer by the pool or a movie marathon with the family. So what better time to take advantage of a smart home control system? Find out how the right solution can simplify the day-to-day living in your River Oaks, Texas home so you can focus on basking in the sun.

SEE MORE: 3 Ways Smart Control Can Be a Parenting Tool

Get the Most of Your Outdoor Spaces

Smart home control simplifies all the technology in your outdoor spaces. Want to listen to some music? Use your smartphone to pick out the song you want to play on the speakers installed throughout your patio. If a new guest arrives while you’re out back, receive a notification on your phone and let them in remotely. The celebration doesn’t have to end as soon as it gets dark. Schedule your landscape lights to go on at 7 p.m. to keep the darkness from spoiling the party.

Let Your Home Counteract the Heat

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How Can a Smart Home System Simplify Your Life?

How Can a Smart Home System Simplify Your Life?

Are you looking to make your daily routine simpler than ever? You can add convenience, comfort, and luxury to your Austin, TX living space with a top-notch smart home system in place. Various smart features and technologies can elevate your whole property and take any everyday task or event to the next level – with just a press of a button!

If you’re interested in simplifying your life with a quality Crestron smart home automation system, then keep reading on below to find out more about the benefits of these smart solutions. You’ll learn just how smart technology can completely transform your life.


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Enhance Your Kitchen with Smart Home Automation

Enhance Your Kitchen with Smart Home Automation

When talking about smart home automation, it’s easy to get lost in what the high-tech gear can do for a house. But whether you live in Austin, TX or any other city, you know that a house is not just a building – it’s your family’s home. And in a lot of homes, the kitchen is where families gather to share their day, plan the next vacation and simply spend quality time together over a home cooked meal. Home automation can make spending time in the kitchen more convenient and a whole lot more fun. Here are a few ways that you can enhance the heart of your home:

Audio and Video

Some people like to relax while listening to music. Some choose to unwind while watching the evening news. And if you’ve ever tried to cook a family dinner, you know it can sometimes be a little stressful. Automated audio and video can help keep you calm while you cook. Smart home automation offers the benefit of bringing your media into the kitchen whether you’re preparing a meal or sitting down to a weekday dinner. And with a smart AV streaming system, like DM 3.0 by Crestron, you’ll have nearly infinite options for when you’re chowing down with the kids or spending a romantic night with your spouse.

Mounted Tablets

Picture this: you’re preparing the most stupendous dish you’ve ever served. You’ve spent hours making it, and your eyes have been glued to the tablet on the counter so that you can follow the recipe in every minute detail. It’s all going perfectly until – whoops, your hand slips and you spill pasta sauce all over everything. Trust us, nobody looks forward to spaghetti-and-iPad. That’s why a wall-mounted tablet with a stable Internet connection is essential to your kitchen. You’ll be able to stay organized without worrying about damaging your technology, or losing track of your recipe.

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