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Houzz Honors Texas Integrator with Best of Awards

Houzz Honors Texas Integrator with Best of Awards

We’re excited to announce we recently received a “Best of Houzz” award for both Design & Customer Satisfaction from Houzz—the leading platform for home remodeling and design. The team at Relative Home Systems was chosen by more than 25 million monthly users that make up the Houzz community from among more than 500,000 active home building, remodeling and design industry professionals. This notable award is an honor, but we’d prefer to let our work speak for itself. And if you’re looking for a great way to spend more time with the family or entertain guests in your home, then you’ll want to read on.

There’s nothing quite like going to the movies to experience the cinematic wonder of a Hollywood film. Now imagine hosting your friends and family in your own custom home theater. If you’re in Austin, Texas, there are several reasons to consider adding a home theater.

Reason #1: Avoid the crowds and sticky floors; host your own movie night.

After a long week of work at the office and school, the entire family can unwind and relax together watching their favorite flick or latest On Demand release. Get comfortable as you and the family recline in plush theater seats and immerse yourself in the story line unfolding on the screen. Or, create new memories with friends and family as you watch old episodes of your favorite TV sitcom or drama.

Reason #2: Watch your favorite team like you were sitting on the 50-yard line.

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