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The Ultimate in Luxury and Ease of Living: Smart Home Automation

A bedroom with large picture windows and a TV that descends from a lift in the ceiling.

Crestron Offers Customized Solutions for Any Size Estate 

As a trusted Crestron dealer serving Memorial, TX, we're often asked where to start in the expansive world of smart home automation. Should we start with one-touch control of our lighting? Or is it better to automate our audiovisual electronics?

Those are good questions. A Crestron smart home is designed for customization, which means we can program just about any device into the home automation system. So, where do you begin? Let's explore the options and see just what smart home living means. 

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3 Things to Expect From a Smart Home Automation Installation

A dining room featuring motorized shades and smart home automation. You can experience this in your Houston, TX home.

Be Prepared for a Top-In-Class Experience From Relative Home Systems 

Inviting a team of designers and technicians into your Texas home can be a daunting experience if you're not prepared for what's to come. You can rest easy knowing your Houston-area property is in good hands with the professionals at Relative Home Systems.

Our team of experts is experienced with every component of a smart home automation project, no matter the size or scope. Keep reading below to learn three things you can expect from your upcoming smart home project, then give us a call at (281) 537-7373 to get started.

  636 Hits




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